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Recipe: 10g overnight oats

The number of overnight oats recipes online is endless. It’s no surprise, overnight oats are high in fiber, easy to prepare, and store well in the fridge.

Recipe goals:

  • Nutrient-dense

  • Delicious

  • Won’t zap your energy

10g overnight oats

What’s the 10g in the recipe name?

It’s fiber.

(1/2 of the recipe has 11.5 grams of fiber 🌱)

What makes this recipe special?

It’s optimized for vitamins, minerals, anti-inflammatory, phytonutrient and antioxidant rich ingredients.

It’s an easy way to start your day with intention.

Whole chia seeds

What’s in it?

1 cup rolled oats

1 cup plant milk

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/8 tsp cardamom

Pinch salt

1/2 cup frozen blueberries, wild if available

Squeeze of fresh lemon juice, optional

1 tbsp raw, unsalted pumpkin seeds, optional but recommended

1 tbsp raw, dried goji berries, optional but delicious

1/2-1 tbsp cacao nibs, optional

10g overnight oats


Kite Hill Greek-style unsweetened yogurt

Hemp seeds or chia seeds

Unless you’re trying to add calories, I recommend choosing 1 seed for this recipe: pumpkin, chia or hemp

Bonus points: throw 1-2 tablespoons of chia seeds in a spice grinder to unlock the omega-3 fatty acids contained in the seeds. Top the finished recipe with freshly ground chia seeds.

Amla powder

More on this in an upcoming post.

Spirulina powder

I used to buy spirulina powder, and I like it in overnight oats. Spirulina comes from a blue-green algae plant found in oceans and salty lakes!

It adds a nice earthy, also slightly sweet flavor. I like it with the blueberries. The color is gorgeous. Add it if you’re looking for an additional boost of vitamins and minerals. Guess what else it has? Protein.

10g overnight oats in Hydro Flask food jar

Cooking instructions

  • Combine ingredients in a jar

  • Stir well to combine

  • Let the mixture sit in the fridge for at least 3 hours, or overnight

    I like waiting 24 hours, for the best texture and taste.

  • Store in the fridge for 3-4 days

Raw pumpkin seeds

Shopping list

I haven’t tested using steel cut oats in this recipe. As I wrote previously, oats from best option to worst option are: oats groats —> steel cut —> rolled —> quick cooking. I would avoid quick cooking.

Check the ingredients, avoid products with any added sweeteners. If you’re concerned about protein, go for soy milk.

The phytoestrogens (not the same as estrogen!) in soy may also reduce perimenopause and menopause symptoms.

I like Wyman’s frozen wild blueberries. I also use Whole Foods 365 brand.

I found these in the bulk bin section at Whole Foods.
Cost: $12.76 for .93 pounds. Cheaper than takeout, packed with iron.

Goji berries are consumed as a functional food due to wide-range bioactive compounds with health-promoting properties.”

28 ounce Hydro Flask food jar


You can prepare this in any jar or similar container. I’ve been using a Hydro Flask food jar. In the past, I’ve used a mason jar.

I have the 8 and 28 ounce Hydro Flask jars. I recommend the 20 ounce.

Hydro Flask food jar, 20 ounce, $35.95 on Amazon

Mason jar, 16 ounce — 2 jars for $8.49 on Amazon

10g overnight oats ingredients in Cronometer


serving size — full recipe
This is a large portion and can easily be divided into 2 servings.

Calories — 734
Fiber — 23 g
Sugars — 14 g, including 0 g added sugars
Fat — 24 g
Saturated fat — 6g
Protein — 32 g

More than half of the saturated fat comes from the cacao nibs.

Vitamin A — 161% DV
Iron — 113% DV
Potassium — 40% DV
Calcium — 13% DV
Zinc — 67% DV
Magnesium — 84% DV
Sodium — 25% DV

What else do you get?

B vitamins, folate, vitamins C, E, K, copper, manganese, phosphorous, selenium, 11 amino acids

Cronometer data for 10g overnight oats

Cooking notes

  • Quantity

    Most recipes call for 1/2 cup rolled oats. I like doubling the recipe to 1 cup.

    If you’re active, hungry and you eat it all, great. If 1 cup is too much, you have another serving ready to go for the following day.

  • Make it easy

    You can eye ball all of the listed ingredients with the exception of the oats to milk ratio. No need to get out the measuring spoons or cups.

    If you want to eye ball all of it, go for it! Nothing bad will happen if there’s too much milk, it just changes the consistency.

  • Protein

    If you have a low calorie diet, you’ve measured your protein intake on a typical day of eating, and it’s below the target of 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight, I’d use soy milk in this recipe. I’d also use soy milk if you simply prefer it!

    You can also add Kite Hill Greek-style yogurt for more protein.

    1 cup soy milk + 1/3 cup Kite Hill Greek-style yogurt alone add 17.5 grams of protein.

    Most of us can easily meet the recommended protein target without supplementing (i.e. powders) or planning for it. Eat until you’re full, eat a diversity of whole foods.

    Your body stores excess protein as fat.

  • Cacao nibs

    Add nice texture and taste, also caffeine. Cacao is high in fat. Unlike kale, more is not better. Omit if you have a weight loss goal or seek to reduce the fat in your diet.

    I first learned about cacao nibs from a woman doing bodywork (massage therapist) at a yoga retreat in Costa Rica. That was 2005. Shoutout to Allison for our many yoga adventures. 👋

Cacao nibs

What’s your breakfast strategy?

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