What I Eat In A Day

‘What I eat in a day’ videos are a common and popular topic across plant-based social media.  As a follow-up to my last post on using Cronometer to track my macro and micronutrients, below I share 3 days of eating, as tracked in Cronometer.

Thursday, July 13


1.25 cups cherries, raw

1 banana, raw

12 oz La Colombe drip coffee

3 oz homemade almond milk

1 apricot, raw

1 brazil nut

8 chlorella tablets

B12 spray


Smoothie 35 oz:

2 C water, 1 banana, 1 C Wyman’s organic wild blueberries, 3 C spinach, tightly packed, ¼ C brown flax seeds, 1 tsp maca powder, 1 tsp amla powder, ½ tsp cinnamon, ½ tsp bee pollen granules

4 oz (½ block) Lightlife tempeh, air fried with Bragg’s Liquid Aminos & spices

1 oz dulse


Buddha Bowl:

½ C brown lentils, cooked, ½ avocado, ½ C quinoa, cooked, ¼ C Jalapa Jar fresh salsa, 53 g kale sauteed in water, 43 g Swiss chard sauteed in water, 2 tbsp black sesame seeds

3 oz Wildbrine raw sauerkraut

6 oz BKE kombucha

¼ bar Hu Kitchen cashew butter & orange vanilla dark chocolate


Bar Method Express class - 45 minutes, Walking - 4.5 miles


Friday, July 14


1 gram matcha powder

3 oz homemade almond milk

2 apricots, raw

1 C cherries, raw

1 brazil nut

8 chlorella tablets

B12 spray

Vitamin D tablet


Smoothie 35 oz:

2 C water, 1 banana, 1 C Wyman’s frozen wild blueberries, 5 C spinach, raw, ¼ C brown flax seeds

4 oz (½ block) Lightlife tempeh, air fried with Bragg’s Liquid Aminos & spices


14 stalks celery, raw

¼ C homemade hummus

1 tbsp pumpkin seeds

1 serving (14 crackers) Every Body Eat chive & garlic crackers

Buddha Bowl:

½ C lentils, cooked, 4 grape tomatoes, ¾ C quinoa, cooked, ½ avocado, ¼ C Jalapa Jar fresh salsa, 1 radish, raw, 2 tbsp nutritional yeast

2 C broccoli, steamed with Bragg’s Liquid Aminos & nutritional yeast

5 oz Seraphim cacao non-alcoholic beverage

¼ bar Hu Kitchen cashew butter & orange dark chocolate


Bar Method Express class - 45 minutes, Walking - 2.8 miles

Thursday, July 20


2 x 1 gram matcha powder

2 x 3 oz homemade almond milk

1.5 C cherries, raw

B12 spray


Chia Pudding:

2 tbsp chia seeds, 3 oz homemade almond milk, 1 tbsp goji berries

141 grams (½ or so of the block) Wildwood organic tofu high protein super firm 


⅓ C homemade hummus

2 radishes, raw

2 cucumbers, raw with peel

1 box (2 servings) Plantstrong Foods lentil stew

¼ C broccoli, steamed with Bragg’s Liquid Aminos & nutritional yeast

6 C Swiss chard, sauteed in water, rice vinegar & Bragg’s Liquid Aminos

6 oz BKE kombucha

¼ bar Hu Kitchen cashew butter & orange dark chocolate


Bar Method class - 60 minutes, Walking - 5.37 miles


  • We all have different calorie (energy) needs depending on our size and activity level.  I’m 5’1” and fairly active.  I included the exercise captured on my Fitbit as a reference point for activity level.

  • Dinner is typically my largest meal of the day.

  • Food measurements are close, but not exact. When I’m not using Cronometer, I only measure my food when precise quantities are required (baking, water to grain ratio for cooking, etc.).

  • I happen to have a food scale, which I bought to weigh matcha powder, so I used it for Cronometer, but I use as much kale or Swiss chard, or other green leafy vegetables as I have.  I typically use an entire bunch of sauteed Swiss chard as the vegetable portion of my meal.

  • I use a 32-ounce Vitamix blender container and I overfill it (which I do not recommend) to about 35 ounces of smoothie.

  • I started making almond milk a few months ago after buying the Nutr machine. This requires more time, but it’s more cost-effective than the Malk I was buying, and fresh almond milk tastes amazing. Why was I buying Malk instead of a less expensive option?  It doesn’t have any preservatives, stabilizers, or emulsifiers; there are just three ingredients: water, almonds, and salt.

  • I’ve had the same Vitamix for more than a decade.  If you haven’t tried it, it’s hard to explain why it’s more than just a blender. Here’s a review.

  • I use dulse for its iodine and iron content. It’s very salty and I like the flavor. If you’re using iodized salt, you don’t have to worry about getting enough iodine.

  • Benefits of black sesame seeds, maca, amla, and bee pollen.

Did anything here surprise you? Let me know in the comments below!


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